Transport & Logistics
Intelligent transportation can enhance interoperability and the capacity to share information swiftly. Tinker offers real-time response and data collection to help increase management for transport and logistics.

Tinker enables sensors on the road and at critical gateways that can help optimize city-wide traffic flow, accommodating for peak traffic hours, special events, weather conditions and accidents.

Buses, railway and metro installed with Tinker can plan their routine schedule in a more efficient way using collected data. Tinker with cameras enables governments and companies to provide real-time traffic information, allowing citizens to better plan their routine between their starting point and destination.

With connected devices in the supply chain and intelligent asset-tracking tools, Tinker keep inventories in a desired state while continuing to adequately supply customers. Tinker with sensors can provide insight at each stage of shipment, tracking moisture, heat and vibration to give companies real-time visibility during product shipment.

E-commerce has revolutionized the way people shop, and customers value fast delivery times and knowing the status of their shipments. Courier, express and parcel last-mile package tracking with Tinker enables customers to see the status of their package in real-time and reduces the cost of communications between buyer and seller.