為了幫助您在ASUS Tinker Edge T上進行深度學習和推理,您可以使用它,本文將向您展示如何執行實時姿勢檢測。
Google PoseNet建立在Tinker Edge T圖像上。有關使用說明,請繼續閱讀。
首先,將USB攝像頭(如下圖所示)連接到Tinker EdgeT。

接通Tinker Edge T的電源,然後單擊紅色框,啟動終端,如下圖所示。

$ cd /usr/share/project-posenet
$ python3 pose_camera.py --videosrc=/dev/video2
The argument --videosrc specifies the source of the camera image. In this example, /dev/video2 is the USB camera we just connected. For more information about available arguments, type -h follwing the command as shown below.
$ python3 pose_camera.py -h
usage: pose_camera.py [-h] [--mirror] [--model MODEL]
[--res {480x360,640x480,1280x720}] [--videosrc VIDEOSRC]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--mirror flip video horizontally (default: False)
--model MODEL .tflite model path. (default: None)
--res {480x360,640x480,1280x720}
Resolution (default: 640x480)
--videosrc VIDEOSRC Which video source to use (default: /dev/video0)
--h264 Use video/x-h264 input (default: False)

After successfully running the example project, you should see an image similar to the ones shown below..