The ASUS IoT Tinker CORE suite offers software tools to customize your Tinker Board, covering development, deployment, troubleshooting, maintenance, and remote control.
Android作業系統由於開放性,對觸控螢幕的良好支援以及Google所支持的生態圈,無疑是成長最快的IoT OS之一。
ASUS IoT 雲端管理平台ASUS IoT Cloud Console (AICC) 是一個可跨作業系統、一站式管理IoT裝置所收集之大數據的平台。
ASUS IoT ALPR Dev Kit is a comprehensive automatic license-plate recognition (ALPR) solution that includes both the necessary hardware and software to enable systems integrators (SIs) to create edge applications that mesh seamlessly with existing ALPR infrastructure.